The Baby Suite

The Baby Play Room



The puposely designed Baby Suite is entirely contained on the ground floor level and caters for up to 12 babies under the age of 2.

Babies and young children learn through play, and the environment in which they play contributes enormously to their development.  The Baby Room is filled with an abundance of toys that have neen carefully selected to encourage your child to develop physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage.



In addition to free play, the babies are encouraged to join in with singing and story sessions and participate in a wide range of creative and sensory experiences including sand and water play, painting and sticking activities and baking.

The Sleep Room



Playing all day long can be very tiring!  The Sleep Room provides a tranquil and relaxing atmosphere which allows the babies to recharge their batteries, soothed by lullabies, in accordance with their individual routines.

Outdoor Play Area

The Babies have their own outdoor play area to the front of the Baby Room which is half lawned and half safety surfaced, with a play house and sand and water play areas.  There are also plenty of outdoor toys and activities.  The children can watch the various birds and squirrels who frequent our garden to see what tasty treats we have put on the bird table for them.