Frequently Asked Questions
Here you can find out about how we run things at Good As Gold Childcare Centre. We need your help to keep this organisation running as smoothly as possible!
How can I book a place for my child?
If you would like a place for your child at our centre, please make an appointment and we'll gladly take the time to explain everything you need to know and help you to complete the enrolment forms. A £50 Reservation fee is required to reserve your place. You can make an appointment by phone or by using our contact form. We look forward to meeting you!
01706 216763
How do I pay my nursery fees?
Fees are due in advance on a monthly basis. Invoices are prepared at the beginning of each month and are payable on receipt.
Payment Methods - Our preferred payment method is by direct bank transfer to our Barclays Bank account using your child's full name as the reference. Our account details are:
Account Name - Good As Gold
Sort Code - 20-15-70
Account Number - 10520306
.... we also accept payment by Standing Order, Childcare Vouchers and via the Tax Free Childcare Scheme.
Do I have to pay for Bank Holidays?
No. Unlike many other nurseries and pre-schools, we do not charge for Bank and Public Holidays when the nursery is closed. The nursery is also closed between Christmas and New Year and does not charge for this period of closure.
Do I need to provide my own nappies?
We use Fred and Flo nappies, which are included in the nursery fees. If you require an alternative then we do ask that you provide these yourself.
Will my child have any taster sessions before starting at nursery?
Before your child starts at nursery we offer two free pre-visits to help them settle. During the pre-visit they will meet their Key Person. Parents are invited to stay with their child for a short while to give you the opportunity to get to know the staff who will be caring for your child, and also to enable you to pass on any information that you want them to know.
What will my child need to bring?
Please send your child to nursery with a spare set of clothes in a pumpbag in case they get messy, and a drinking bottle or lidded cup so they can have access to drinking water whenever required. If your child has bottle feeds during the day, these will also need to be provided.
What happens if my child is ill?
It's unavoidable that small children catch all kinds of minor infections. For a speedy recovery and to prevent the other children from falling ill, children who are unwell must stay at home. If a child becomes ill whilst they are at nursery, parents will be contacted to collect their child. Children with sickness and diarrhoea must be clear of symptoms for a minimum of 24 hours before returning to nursery. Children with infectious diseases, such as Chicken Pox, must be kept at home for the length of time stipulated by Local Authority Guidelines.
Can my child be given medication at nursery?
Only medication that has been prescribed by a doctor can be administered by nursery staff at the request of a parent. Signed consent must be given, and relevent paperwork completed. Parents must administer the first dose of medication to ensure that the child is not allergic to it.
Will nursery staff apply suncream to my child?
Yes. Nursery staff will apply suncream regularly when appropriate. This must be provided by parents. Children without suncream will not be permitted to play outside when the weather is sunny.